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г. Москва, Олимпийский пр.16 стр.5, БЦ "Олимпик Холл" пн -вс: 08:00 - 20:00, сб-вс 09:00 - 18:00   +7 495 933 86 86
8 495 933 86 86
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Dental implants (implantology) in Moscow
Consultation for Implants
Consultation for Implants 7 100 р.
Call us to make an appointment: 8 495 933 86 86


Failing dentition is a very common condition and there is a great need for a wider variety of solutions to treat this diverse group of patients. It represents a global health care burden, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.allon4

The demand for treatment extends to millions of edentulous people – more than 40 million in the Western world, and 250 million in Asia. Of the total population worldwide, around 6–10% are edentulous and even more are soon-to-be edentulous.

Even decades after dental implant placement became an established method for restoring quality of life, many of those most in need of help were unable to benefit.

With such patients suffering from moderate to severe bone resorption, finding adequate bone to place implants is a challenge. There are financial considerations too, as placing enough implants to restore a whole jaw could be cost-prohibitive for many patients.

A new solution was needed and Dr. Paulo Malo found it. In 1998, Malo successfully treated the first patient with the All-on-4® treatment concept.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of patients have been treated with the All-on-4® treatment concept using Nobel Biocare implants.

This makes it an attractive and potentially life-changing treatment option for patients.

  • Function
  • Aesthetics
  • Sense
  • Speech
  • Self-esteem

This is why 98% of patients would recommend the All-on-4® treatment, concept as one study showed.

Shorter time-to-teeth

Two key elements significantly reduce treatment complexity, the number of surgeries, and the overall treatment time:

Tilting of the posterior implants avoids the need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures.

Immediate loading with a fixed provisional prosthesis shortens time-to-teeth.

Lower costs

The All-on-4® treatment concept is not only the least time-consuming treatment option, but it’s also the least costly in comparison with conventional implant treatment methods for the edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous jaw using two-stage surgery.

Why it’s popular with patients

The All-on-4® treatment concept provides edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on four implants on the day of surgery.