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Metal Braces (1 jaw) adult/child 99 950 р.
Clear Braces (1 jaw) adult/child 119 950 р.
Selfligatures Braces (1 jaw) adult/child 119 950 р.
Call us to make an appointment: 8 495 933 86 86

Traditional braces have been around for many years. They are the standard among patients looking to straighten their smile. Today’s contemporary braces are made of exceptionally strong metals as they need to be able to stand the test of time while they are on your teeth.

When Should Braces Be Put On?

As long as your teeth are healthy, then you are a great candidate to have braces. A straight smile is important at any age. However, orthodontists recommend that children visit their offices at the age of seven in order to diagnose any problems and to start with preventative care. Catching problems early on will help to avoid problems later on in life.

If you were unable to see an orthodontist at a young age, you can still see one later in life to help correct your smile. With the different varieties of braces, friends and coworkers will have no idea that your lunch date is really your orthodontist appointment.

Early Treatment

Most orthodontists begin treatment on children between the ages of 9 and 14 as most problems are easily fixable during this time. The earlier the treatment the better because you will be able to help your child correct oral habits that are harmful to their dental development, guide teeth into the correct position and avoid protruding front teeth.

Treatment Later In Life

The most common orthodontic treatments are for spacing, crowding, overbites, under bites and cross bites. These problems can be fixed easily earlier on in life but sometimes it is not corrected.

For whatever the reason, as an adult, you can still have these problems fixed during your adult lifetime. The only requirements that you need for braces are that your teeth and gums are in healthy and in good condition.

How Do Braces Work?

Braces create the perfect smile by placing a constant and gentle force on the teeth which help them to slowly yet efficiently move into the correct position. When teeth are in the right position, the person will experience better dental and overall health benefits.

How Long Do You Have To Wear Braces To Straighten Your Teeth?

For the majority of patients, teeth straightening with dental braces may take anywhere between just 6 months and 2 years. Your orthodontist will be able to give you an accurate estimate of how long your braces treatment will take based on their experience treating patients of similar requirements.

Benefits of Braces

By treating the irregularities of the jaw and teeth, orthodontic procedures not only create an attractive smile but are meant to protect the life-long health and functionality of the entire mouth. Misaligned, occluded and misshapen teeth are often the cause of headaches, jaw pain and, surprisingly, tooth decay. Straight teeth are generally more healthy and stronger, not only because they allow for the growth of other strong teeth, but because they are simply easier to clean, brush and floss. Straight teeth not only contribute to a more attractive smile, but they make it easier to chew, eat and speak correctly.

Braces allow those children and adults who are affected by dental irregularities to correct harmful oral habits. Furthermore, braces reduce tooth wear and limit the potential to damage to jaw joints. The list of benefits of braces is extensive, giving parents a variety of reasons to make the commitment of braces and orthodontia for their child.

Do you need braces?

There might be need of braces if you show the following signs:

  • Presence of protruding front teeth
  • Upper teeth either covering or being covered by your lower teeth whey you bite down
  • Teeth do not meet when mouth is closed.
  • Center teeth are not aligned.
  • Space between teeth is present.

Types of braces

Orthodontics has come a long way since the days when wearing braces meant having a mouth full of metal. Now, there are many different braces to choose from that are smaller, easier to wear and more effective than ever before.


  • Traditional fixed metal braces

  • Traditional fixed metal braces use a combination of metal brackets, archwires and ligatures (elastic bands) to straighten teeth. They're the 'original' braces. However, developments in technology mean the brackets are now much smaller, less bulky and more comfortable to wear.

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  • Ceramic braces are much like traditional fixed metal braces, the difference being the brackets are made from ceramic material and are tooth-coloured, making them less visible. Ceramic brackets are also smoother and stronger than those used for traditional braces.

  • Self-ligating braces

  • Self-ligating braces use brackets that have a sliding mechanism, which allows for the archwire to move in response to your teeth. This means they operate with much less friction and there is no need for the elastic bands used with traditional braces. The Damon system of self-ligating braces is the most popular.

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  • Lingual braces are attached to the back surface of your teeth. Aside from the aesthetic benefits, one of the advantages of lingual braces is that there is less risk of decalcification. This is because the inside surface of your teeth is more robust. Incognito is a well-known brand of lingual braces.