Moscow, Olympiyskiy prospect 16 bld.5 Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 20:00, Sat-Sun: 09:00 - 18:00  tel. +7 (495) 933-86-86 
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Moscow, Olympiyskiy prospect 16 bld.5 Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 20:00, Sat-Sun: 09:00 - 18:00  tel. +7 (495) 933-86-86 
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г. Москва, Олимпийский пр.16 стр.5, БЦ "Олимпик Холл" пн -вс: 08:00 - 20:00, сб-вс 09:00 - 18:00   +7 495 933 86 86. 
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Loyalty program
US Dental Care | Loyalty program

1. Family Program**

5% Savings on Check-up and Cleanings

Savings offered for all family and extended family members.

2. Paid in full Discount for + 100,000 rubles cash payments.

One time bonus of 5% fully paid cash deposit.

Refunds allowed on remaining balance minus 5% transaction fee.

Can also be combined with other offers.

3. Insurance Program**

4. Corporate Membership Program* **

15% — first visit; 5% — continuing visits

For Russian and International companies and government ministries

5. US Dental Care gift card

Cards can be purchased in the following amounts:

Gift cards may be applied to the balance due on all services and products. Expiration date is one year from the time of purchase. All gift cards are the property of US Dental Care are void after redemption. No cash value or refund on unused portions. In circumstances when charges are greater than the amount of the gift card, payment can be made in cash or bank card. If the amount of service is less than amount on gift card, the remaining amount can be used at a later time.

* Implants and Orthodontics excluded
** Discount is canceled on unpaid balances

US Dental Care reserves the right to change the Bonus Program terms without individual notification. For further information, please visit the site at .